Ashley Carty is a seasoned medical professional with over 8 years of experience working at the top hospitals in Southern California, including Hoag, Saddleback Memorial, and UCSD.
It’s 2020, we are in the middle of a pandemic, and although it “should” be easy to find a nursing role with so many people sick, surprisingly the hiring process is harder than ever at most places. To help you look great on paper and increase your chances of getting hired, we compiled a special article that dives into EMR and what you need to know before you apply for your dream job.
As many of you know, it is now a federal requirement that all practitioners use electronic medical records. This new law took effect in 2014, and ever since, all medical professionals are expected to also be great at computers. When HR managers review resumes, they look at the overall experience of the applicant. This overall experience includes a few key ingredients that help increase your chances of getting an interview.
Hiring managers and recruiters evaluate nursing resumes based on two general factors. First, they evaluate resumes based on the degree to which the content of the resume matches the job description.
This evaluation process is technical and robotic. Either the resume includes variables the employer seeks or it does not.
Second, they evaluate a resume based on how well it conveys that the candidate can excel at the job. This evaluation process is more subjective.
One of these key things they are looking for that often is not talked about, is your proficiency in their current EMR/EHR software.
Whenever a new-hire is brought onboard, they require basic training on the business’ unique practices, etc. However, when more in-depth training is involved, like how to use their EMR, this costs the facility more money. It requires a team to train the staff, and hours you could be spending on the floor. Therefore when an applicant has their specificEMR/EHR experience, the chances of them getting picked up and moved to the next interview process is higher. Granted, there are still additional things you need to include on your resume, this is just the topic we are diving into today. To learn more about what you should include in your full resume, visit this article.
It’s important not to lie on your application, if you don’t have experience with a certain EMR don’t claim that you do. Additionally, some businesses won’t list which EMR you need to know to avoid people claiming they have the experience when they don’t. To find out which EMR the facility uses, give their number a call and ask. You can also do a Google search, or find someone on LinkedIn that works there and ask them.Yes, it appears to be a lot of work, but if you meet the other requirements, why let one thing get in the way of getting hired.
Let’s say that you don’t have experience with the EMR that facility uses. What do you do next? It’s time to look into external training programs including online classes. You can address this in your cover letter saying that you don’t have direct experience using that EMR but you looked into which one they use and went through an online course.
Some online training may be available for the most commonly used systems either directly through the software company or from individual instructors. For EPIC, we were able to find these training videos courtesy of Washington University School of Medicine, St. Luis. Cerner has their own YouTube channel for training. MEDITECH has their video training available to the public here. Looking for an alternative one? Go to Google, type in the name of the EHR then add “online training” and you should be able to find a few resource options for you to self-train at home. Just make sure that you mention this in your resume and cover letter!
EHR and your experience with it is not a deal breaker when it comes to getting hired, but it could help increase your changes, especially when it comes to the Pandemic and the hiring manager feeling good about you being able to start right away over someone who would need additional training before they could get out on the floor.
What EHR systems do you have experience with? Which are your favorite? Have you had trouble getting a job because you weren’t proficient in their EHR? Let us know in the comments below.
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